Ecom BI

Faster Growth

For every business that has entered the world of e-commerce, it is must for them to have a proper order management system while scaling their business.


  • Reduce repetitive task.
  • Minimize the man power.
  • Maximize Primary focus of Ecom BI lies on order management system.
  • Ecommerce maximizing your operational efficiency by performing the repetitive tasks involved in processing the orders on daily basis at scale.
Integrated Accounting And Compliances
Ecom BI

Integrated Accounting And Compliances

Simplify your e-commerce financial journey with our integrated accounting and compliance tools. Seamlessly sync sales, returns, and inventory data, ensuring real-time financial accuracy. Benefit from automated GST calculations tailored for cross-border sales, and make informed decisions with customizable reports highlighting essential e-commerce metrics. It's all about making accounting straightforward and insightful for your online business.

1. Instant Financial Updates: As soon as a sale is made, the accounting system gets updated, ensuring real-time accuracy.

2. Enhanced Order Processing: Streamlined integration reduces the chances of order duplication or omission in accounting.

3. Efficient Cash Flow Management: Immediate syncing enables quicker invoicing and payment processing, ensuring better cash flow.

4. Optimized Stock Management: The sales-accounting sync ensures stock levels are always consistent with sales data.

1. Accurate Financial Statements: Instant reflection of returns in financials ensures that balance sheets and P&L statements remain accurate.

2. Smooth Customer Experience: Seamless integration reduces refund processing times, enhancing customer satisfaction.

3. Proactive Inventory Restocking: Products that are returned can be instantly re-listed for sale due to direct integration.

4. Enhanced Revenue Protection: Rapid integration can quickly detect fraudulent or excessive returns, aiding in loss prevention.

1. Costing Precision: Real-time tracking ensures that the cost of goods sold is always accurate.

2. Minimized Stock Discrepancies: Synchronized systems mean inventory numbers always match financial expenditure or income from sales.

3. Efficient Audit Processes: With inventory and accounting in sync, audits become quicker and more straightforward.

4. Better Demand Forecasting: With financials and stock levels always aligned, businesses can better predict future product demand.

1. Regulatory Compliance: Automated GST calculations ensure businesses always adhere to tax laws, minimizing legal issues.

2. Efficient Cross-border Sales: With instant tax calculations, international sales become more streamlined, enhancing global expansion opportunities.

3. Reduced Manual Errors: Automation reduces the risk of miscalculations or oversight in tax reporting.

4. Time & Resource Saving: Businesses can redirect resources to more strategic tasks instead of manual tax calculations.

1. Strategic Business Decisions: Custom reports provide insights tailored to specific e-commerce needs, guiding decision-making processes.

2. Enhanced Marketing Strategies: Understand metrics like cost-per-acquisition to optimize advertising spends.

3. Customer Retention: By focusing on metrics like customer lifetime value, businesses can develop strategies to enhance loyalty and retention.

4. Optimized Operational Efficiency: Custom reports can highlight areas of inefficiency, allowing businesses to streamline operations and maximize profitability.

Top clients

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Our Budget Plan

Pricing Plan

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$45 USD Per Month
  • 5 PPC Campaigns Per Day
  • 10 Digital Marketing
  • 10 Marketing Agency
  • 10 Facebook Marketing
  • 10 Video Camplaigns
$99 USD Per Month
  • 50 PPC Campaigns Per Day
  • 100 Digital Marketing
  • 100 Marketing Agency
  • 100 Facebook Marketing
  • 100 Video Camplaigns
$199 USD Per Month
  • 5 PPC Campaigns Per Day
  • Unlimited Digital Marketing
  • Unlimited Marketing Agency
  • Unlimited Facebook Marketing
  • Unlimited Video Camplaigns